This page shows English materials written by/about ARCH.
Most of our research papers are only available in Japanese.
To see and download them, please visit our Resources page in Japanese.
Products of ARCH/ARCH members
Kasai, N., Kitabatake, T. & Dohi, M. (2017) "Advocacy and Research Centre for Homelessness" Selavip Newsletter, October 2017, pp.22-24
Kitabatake, T., Kasai, N., Aoyama, Y. & Dohi, M. (2016) "The Tokyo Street Count as a way of enabling collaboration among stakeholders to address homelessness issues: Citizen involvement towards the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020" 10th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network, December 2016
Tokyo Street Count 2016 - flyer
ARCH in media/reports
Peacock, M. & Raymont, E (2018) Japan Arts and Homelessness Review, With One Voice
Lam, G. (2018) "The current state of homelessness in Japan (Part 5)" [Youtube Video], 10 February
Osumi, M. (2016)" While Tokyo counts fewer homeless in daytime, advocacy group finds higher numbers at night" The Japan Times, 16 May